Most Recent Episode
#3 The Curse of Canaan (Gen 9-14)

#3 The Curse of Canaan (Gen 9-14)

Time: 20:17
Genesis 9
God's post flood instructions
The rainbow
Noah, the drunk and naked
The curse of Canaan
Genesis 10
The descendants of Japheth, Ham, and Shem
Genesis 11
The Tower of Babel
Genesis 12
Abraham travels to Canaan
Sarah lies for Abraham (the first time)
Genesis 13
Abraham, Sarah, and Lot return to Canaan
Abraham and Lot split up
Lot chooses Sodom for a new home
God promises to give Abraham everything
Genesis 14
The battle of Sodom and Gomorrah
Episode ID: 1000589081909
GUID: 68f2d744-32cc-4cb5-ab80-66de09299aaa
Release Date: 07/12/2022, 03:15:11


Have you ever tried to read the Bible but just couldn't get through it? You are not alone. There are just too many long boring stories using way too many words.
Well, if so, this podcast is for you.
We've taken the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible, and reduced it to its core, leaving nothing out - except for the boring parts that no one is interested in, and no one needs to know about. It is, in fact, the Bible in fewer words.
So join Carole and Steve Wells as they present the Bible in a way its never been presented before.

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