

Let the Greene Christmas shenanigans with a sprinkle of a few Baileys begin…
On the first day of Christmas, a Greene gets caught under the mistletoe.
On the second day of Christmas, two Greenes go skiing.
On the third day of Christmas, three Greenes get drunk on egg nog.
On the fourth day of Christmas, four Greenes crash into the town Christmas tree.
On the fifth day of Christmas, five Greenes go caroling. 
On the six day of Christmas, six Greenes build a snowman.
On the seven day of Christmas, seven Greenes destroy the snowman.
On the eight day of Christmas, eight Greenes bake cookies.
On the ninth day of Christmas, nine Greenes eat all the cookies.
On the tenth day of Christmas, ten Greenes go sledding.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, eleven Greenes get frostbite.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, twelve Greenes pass out waiting for Santa.

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